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Program Quality and CQI Resource Library

We’ve made this Resource Library available to help nonprofits, public agencies, and other social service providers strengthen their programs and communities.  Scroll down to access/download research briefs, case studies, and Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) resources.

Program Quality Roadmap

Achieving Equity and Excellence

Root Cause developed the Program Quality Roadmap based in social science research and years of experience providing coaching and capacity building to direct service programs. Direct service programs can use the Roadmap as the guide and our CQI approach (resources below) as the method to achieve long lasting change in each of these core components. These four Foundational Conditions are essential to achieving equity and success with this Roadmap.

Core Components of Quality

These seven core components of quality together support program services towards greater equity and excellence. Just as the Foundational Conditions, each of the seven core components of quality are deeply interconnected and interdependent. 

Data & Measurement Capacity

How does a program collect and use data to measure performance and progress towards goals and outcomes?

Evidence-Informed Program Design

How do providers use evidence-based models and available research to best meet the needs of participants?

Family and Community Engagement

How are participants involved in the planning, design, leadership, feedback processes, and evaluations of programs designed to serve them?

Program Accessibility

How do programs address barriers to participation to ensure community members can receive needed services regardless of zip code, race, gender, language spoken, dis/ability, work schedule, household income, and other factors?

Referrals and Partnership Management

How do programs give and receive referrals and manage partnerships that lead to seamless service coordination between programs?

Staff Support and Performance

How do programs support their staff to promote their wellbeing and enable them to provide the most effective
services to participants?

Trauma-Informed Practice

How are programs designed to identify and address the
consequences of trauma?

Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Resources

This library was created as part of a community-wide effort in Guilford County, NC, led by Ready for School, Ready for Life. We worked with a cohort of social service providers to strengthen their capacity to practice CQI and to deliver improved family experiences that contribute to improved healthy early childhood health and kindergarten readiness. These resources have been used on capacity building and coaching projects with the Tri-County Cradle to Career Collaborative in South Carolina and State Street Foundation Grantees in Boston, MA.

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