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Principle, Process, Practice

 Collective Action Backbone Learning Series

In January & February 2023, Root Cause is hosting a free virtual learning series focused on backbone support for collective action work. The three 90-minute workshops in this series are designed to be interactive and practical, with participants engaged in practice and dialogue with backbone teams, Root Cause collective action practitioners, and peers. Additionally, an optional group coaching session will be scheduled after the series (TBD in February or March 2023).


Session 1: January 26, 12pm-1:30pm EST

 Principle: How to use Collective Action as a flexible, localizable approach to advance equity and systemic change

Session 2: February 2, 12pm-1:30pm EST

  Process: How to build backbone team capacity, including how teams center the values that drive the practice and evolution of collective action work

Session 3: February 8, 12pm-1:30pm EST

  Practice: Learnings, advice, stories, and tools sourced from those who serve as backbones (or who support the backbones) of collective action work

Collective action is a community-led process for advancing equity and achieving social change. It is the movement of a group of people impacted by and impacting a challenge who share power, trust, resources, and effort to achieve a common purpose.

Backbone teams provide critical support infrastructure to collective action initiatives. They play a key role in ensuring that the initiative…

  • Maintains alignment towards the common purpose
  • Commits to a culture and process that is equitable, relationship-driven, trustworthy, and transparent
  • Continuously learns, adjusts, and improves their work together
  • Follows the community’s lead

Thank you to our sponsor of this Learning Series – Vanguard Charitable Foundation

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