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Collective action is the action taken together by a group of people who share knowledge, resources, and effort to achieve a common purpose.

Collective Action

Root Cause helps nonprofit service providers, public agencies, grantmakers, and other stakeholders who share a common purpose (e.g., diversifying STEM pipelines or improving college and career readiness for high school seniors) come together to design, implement, and then measure the performance of collective action initiatives. Root Cause uses a proprietary Collective Action framework that is grounded in the best practices and ideas in the sector to build partnerships, foster teamwork, coordinate service delivery and performance measurement — and functions as a network manager (or backbone support) as needed.


Are you interested in bringing stakeholders together to launch a collective action effort in a particular social issue area? 

Do you need help developing partnerships, taking collective action, and measuring progress towards intended outcomes?

Do you need an independent, third-party to facilitate meetings, coordinate how a group of stakeholders work together, and manage project timelines and action items?

Project Examples

Collective Action Services


● Theory of Change development

● Network model design

● Focus groups & community listening sessions

● Identifying potential partners and bringing them to the table

● Landscape research

● Determine structure for network activities

Data Collection & Reporting:

●  Performance measurement design and management including: development of shared outcomes/milestones, design of shared data collection system, tracking of shared milestones, facilitating network wide analysis, reporting

Strategic Planning:

●  Sustainability planning

● Refining or strengthening existing models

● Facilitation of funder-based convenings and research about additional funders

Implementation & Capacity Building:

● Coaching and supporting existing backbone organization – Strengthen/build existing organization’s capacity to lead and coordinate network activities and growth

● Serve as backbone organization including facilitating regular network meetings, aupporting data reporting processes, planning and supporting marketing & communications functions, and supporting communications and decision- making protocols across the network

Supporting and building strong relationships:

● Create environments that support building strong relationships across network stakeholders, this includes ensuring the network is inclusive and there is space for many voices and perspectives

● Support the initiative (this might include funders or established organizations) in stewarding strong relationships with participants

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