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CQI Case Studies

Trauma-Informed Approach

Bringing Out The Best of UNC-Greensboro ⎮ NC Infant Toddler Program of the Children’s Developmental Services Agency (CDSA)

The NC Infant Toddler Program of the Children’s Developmental Services Agency (CDSA) provides supports and services for families and their children, birth to three, who have special needs. The goal of services is to enable families and children to be successful at home and in the community.

CQI Goal

Ensure all CDSA staff have a consistent base of knowledge and understanding about the impact of trauma on brain development in order to improve interactions with families.

CQI Cycle


Provide all staff with training on a trauma-informed approach and gain insight into additional training and resource needs.


Develop and deliver training workshops, including pre- and post-program surveys, for 66 program staff.


Post-training surveys showed an increase in knowledge related to trauma-informed practices.


Based on the success of the training in Cycle 1 and feedback from staff, training on a trauma-informed approach will be formally integrated into staff onboarding processes during CQI Cycle 2.


Planning well, knowing what to expect, and having a coach to hold the team accountable was helpful.

Staff report they are now thinking about a trauma-informed approach more when working with families and being more mindful in our interactions with them; and that they want more information about how to integrate this information into their daily work.

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