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Pathways to Success for Youth at High Risk


Corporation for National and Community Service

Black Ministerial Alliance of Greater Boston, Inc.

Emmanuel Gospel Center

United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley



Pathways to Success for Youth at High Risk


This report details 12 key strategies that nonprofits can implement to create successful pathways to transition to adulthood for youth who face risk factors such as homelessness, truancy, and gang involvement.

In Massachusetts, 265,411 children under age 18 live in households that require public assistance to make ends meet. Many are disconnected from the existing system, such as K–12 schools, and are dependent on relationships with community organizations that play a critical role in building a strong foundation for youth. This report discusses the importance of creating pathways to success for youth at high risk to:

  • Re-engage them to reach development and achievement milestones on the path toward long-term success.
  • Provide opportunities for success to those youth who need it most or to those who have been left behind.
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