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Bringing Out The Best of UNC-Greensboro is an early intervention program that provides family-centered, community-based services targeting children ages birth to five with social and emotional challenges. Its goal is to increase the number of children in Guilford County that are healthy and ready to succeed as they enter school.

CQI Goal

Build the capacity to collect and use data on how participating children have experienced adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in order to identify ways to improve program quality, such as through staff training, and deliver services customized to the needs of the child.

CQI Cycle


Design and implement a process to identify the number of program participants who have reported ACEs, which adversities they have experienced, and how many ACEs they have been exposed to.


Develop and test a survey for collecting data on participants’ exposure to trauma and train staff to administer the survey.


Initial data suggested that one in four participants had experienced at least one ACE, with the most common types of trauma being divorce and child care instability.


Data collection is now an ongoing activity as staff are using the ACEs checklist at intake and during case management.


CQI is flexible and allows for iteration and revision.

Compliance was easily and fully adopted, which speaks to the strength of the development process.

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