College Access and Success
Read our college access Social Issue Report, which includes: an overview of the social issue, an investment recommendation, information on the return on investment, and ways to take further action.
This report forms the foundation of the program quality assessments conducted for college access members of the Peer Performance Exchange. The “Characteristics of an Effective College Access Program” section of the report provides an overview of the program components Root Cause analysts assess. (Note: program elements that Root Cause assesses for college persistence programs are not included in this report.)
While the U.S. still ranks second among developed nations in proportion of workers over the age of 55 with an associate’s degree or higher, it drops down to 11th place when looking at the percentage of young workers, aged 25 – 34, that are college-educated. Education is crucial for wealth creation and poverty eradication. Studies have shown poverty to have adverse effects on many facets of life including employment, health and criminal behavior.
College access refers to the field occupied by organizations working to ensure that all students graduate from high school with the ability to enter college and successfully obtain a degree. By working with students and their families, college access programs address academic preparedness, college aspiration and knowledge, and financial barriers that keep underrepresented students from entering college set up to succeed College persistence is a separate field, occupied by organizations that support underrepresented students to complete college once they are enrolled.
Learn more about college access and success in Massachusetts, New York and Illinois.
Social Issue Research (SIR) reports are a resource to help donors and funders learn about specific social issues affecting at-risk populations and identify high-performing organizations that are addressing those issues. Drawing on research and interviews with experts representing government, academia, nonprofits, and foundations, social issue reports provide an overview of the issue, populations affected by it, approaches to address it, and investment recommendations on how donors and funders can take action. The report is complemented by state reports that frame the issue in the local context and a method – a guide for donors – that provides criteria to evaluate organizations working to address the issue.
Table of Contents:
- Social Issue Report Summary
- Facts: College Access and Success
- Social Issue Overview: Why College Access and Success Matters
- Approaches to College Access and Success
- Return on Investment
- Investment Recommendation
- Take Action
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