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Ending Chronic Homelessness


Colette Stanzler

Andrew Ofstehage

Anne Radday


Fidelity Charitable

The William & Flora Hewlett Foundation



Ending Chronic Homelessness: Social Issue Report


According to Department of Housing and Urban Development, chronically homeless individuals are homeless persons with a disability, such as mental illness, drug dependency, or a physical impairment, who have been living in a place unsuitable for habitation or a homeless shelter for one continuous year or four episodes of homelessness in three years.

Read our Social Issue Report on ending chronic homelessness which includes: an overview of the social issue, an investment recommendation, information on the return on investment, and ways to take further action.

In 2010, 107,289 chronically homeless individuals lived on U.S. city streets and in shelters. High-performing nonprofits employing the housing first approach use effective outreach and intake, are consumer-driven, and provide support services to individuals.

According to Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), chronically homeless individuals are homeless persons with a disability, such as mental illness, drug dependency, or a physical impairment, who have been living in a place unsuitable for habitation or a homeless shelter for one continuous year or four episodes of homelessness in three years.

Chronic homelessness is a serious issue and proven interventions have led to strong progress on ending chronic homelessness by 2015. As demonstrated in the social issue indicators, chronic homelessness fell by 60,000 cases from 2005 to 2010. This substantial change indicates the potential to end chronic homelessness.

Learn more about ending chronic homelessness in Massachusetts and New York.

Check out our Guide to Giving for donors and funders interested in ending chronic homelessness.



Social Issue Research (SIR) reports are a resource to help donors and funders learn about specific social issues affecting at-risk populations and identify high-performing organizations that are addressing those issues. Drawing on research and interviews with experts representing government, academia, nonprofits, and foundations, social issue reports provide an overview of the issue, populations affected by it, approaches to address it, and investment recommendations on how donors and funders can take action. The report is complemented by state reports that frame the issue in the local context and a method – a guide for donors – that provides criteria to evaluate organizations working to address the issue.

Table of Contents:

  • Social Issue Report Summary
  • Facts: Chronic Homelessness in the United States
  • Social Issue Overview: Why Ending Chronic Homelessness Matters
  • Approaches to Ending Chronic Homelessness
  • Return on Investment
  • Investment Recommendation
  • Take Action
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